Financial Knowledge, Resources & Tools offers both consumer credit and finance help, designed for everyday people, and offers several niche business to business (B2B) services for entrepreneurs. Some of our products and services are offered in house and others are referred out to our vetted and trusted network, together creating the ultimate one stop shop financial solution.

It’s all about having the right plan, which is really at the core of what we do. We help create a custom credit and financial plan that is realistic and achievable and hold your hand every step of the way. Every plan is custom and you can choose exactly which products and services fit your needs and budget based on your goals.

Our mission is to help every day people get their credit and finances in order and to help create and execute a long term plan to achieve all their financial goals. We aim to do this by giving people access to financial knowledge, resources, and tools that typically are only available to the affluent and wealthy, but at a cost that almost anyone can afford.


Shopping for financial products and services is difficult. We make this easy by doing the shopping for you since we are experts in all things relating to money and credit.

Everyone’s financial journey is a long road and our goal is to create long term relationships to help you and your family achieve your goals and live the best quality life that you deserve, but you have to earn it with smart decisions, hard work, and discipline.

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In addition to very specific and niche business services such as high risk merchant processing, business funding, and advertising for high end industries such as law firms, for consumers we have assembled a stack of credit and financial tools that are designed to help everyday people build credit and become financially strong. We believe that being financially strong begins with building good credit and getting and staying out of debt. From there, you can begin the journey of building wealth, which we can help you every step of the way. We are sort of like personal trainers for your credit and money. Contact us now to schedule a free consultation.



Our founders come from humble beginnings, and we will always remember where we came from. After rising from adversity, we want to give back to our community and help those who need it most. Most financial companies only cater to the wealthy, but we have designed plans and programs that are accessible to nearly all demographics.

How Can We Help?